Ondatherm® 1001

Ondatherm® 1001 panels are the first choice for the most economical roofing solutions due to their outstanding load-bearing capacity, air and watertightness and at the same time high thermal insulation. Spans of up to 6m can be bridged in a self-supporting manner. The geometric shape and joint design is optimised for the best possible water drainage.

  • Fire resistance REI 30
  • U-value approval Z-23.11-1911
  • Combinable with mineral wool panels
Contact us
Ondatherm 1001 Fuge ohne Dichtband
Schletter System SingleFix
Ondatherm 1001TS - 2D
Ondatherm 1001 Fuge ohne DichtbandSchletter System SingleFixOndatherm 1001TS - 2D

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