Less CO2 - more energy self-sufficiency
02.10.2023 -

ArcelorMittal Construction Germany starts in

Brehna construction of high-performance PV plant

It is done: the 1st module area of our PV system is up! Directly above our trapezoidal profile warehouse/edge department there is now 839.2 m² of photovoltaic generator surface.
Soon our new powerful photovoltaic system, one of the largest investments in the company's history, will make its contribution to the energy turnaround and produce emission-free electricity.
A total of 2,090 PV modules will be mounted on a PV generator area of 4,176.0 m² on our hall roofs, generating an annual peak yield of 900 MWh. This enables us to avoid CO₂ emissions of 423 t per year and achieve an average degree of self-sufficiency of 28 percent. We use the majority of the electricity generated ourselves, e.g. for our e-forklifts, the soon-to-be 15 e-charging points for our zero-emission fleet of company cars, and for our e-bike charging points. However, on production-free weekends, among other things, we will also feed our CO2-free electricity into the grid.
Our new photovoltaic system is an important component of the ArcelorMittal C5 Green Commitment strategy, in which we have set ourselves the goal of being climate-neutral by 2050.